Monday, December 17, 2018

Treating Cancer With Radiation Therapy

There are many parts and components that must be considered when servicing and repairing linear accelerators and other types of radiation therapy equipment.  Consider the inner workings of LINAC systems and the process they go through to deliver targeted radiation and you will see why professional servicing and maintenance is required.

External radiotherapy is done with the use of specialized radiation therapy equipment.  This equipment is designed to aim beams of radiation at the source of cancer.  The most common types of radiation being through the use of high energy x-ray beams. Other types can include particle beams, such as protons and electrons.  These beams are used to obliterate the cancerous cells within the are being treated while preventing radiation damage to healthy cells.

Radiotherapy works by harming the DNA within the cancerous cells.  The DNA is the genetic code which controls the behavior of the cells. Radiotherapy damages DNA directly on contact or creates charged up particles to damage the DNA.  This treatment should stop the growth or kill the cancer.  When cells die your body will break them down and get rid of waste substance.  Normal cells could be damaged but usually repair themselves. 

Before treatment can begin your doctor will want to go over the short- and long-term side effects. Most will be temporary and can be regulated with medication.  The team that treats you will use a combination of images including x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, or PET scans.  They will be used to monitor the size of the tumor and measure the shrinkage that is occurring.

Radiotherapy machines, like linear accelerators, are very large and can look extremely intimidating. A LINAC uses electricity in creating radiotherapy beams.  The machine will never touch you and the radiation will not be felt.  Some discomfort can be expected from the side effects of treatment but can be controlled using medication. For radiotherapy to work the radiation must cover the entire cancerous area and the surrounding border.  Physicians will give the lowest dosage possible to prevent damage to the health tissue surrounding the cancer.  This will reduce the risks of side effects to the healthy tissue.

The dose of radiation you are prescribed will be divide up into small doses known as fractions. Instead of one large dose, these smaller doses allow the same amount of radiation overtime which helps to alleviate the side effects and allows the healthy tissues time between treatments to heal.  Radiation can be given as palliative care which is given to alleviate the pain associated with cancer or as a treatment to cure the cancer.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Installment Two - The Process of Treating Cancer Using Radiation

In our first installment on treating cancer with radiation we took a look in to exactly what radiation therapy was, how it worked, and how treatment is planned and delivered.  In today’s installment we will look deeper into what patients can and cannot doing during treatment, how long treatment sessions take, what to expect, and potential side effects.

During treatment are there particular things I should or shouldn’t do?

It is hard to believe however, life as normal can continue while you receive radiation therapy.  In fact, the less interruption to your overall schedule, the better.  Try to think of radiation as you would any other appointment, don’t make it any more important than any other task in your daily life.  Taking the importance away helps to ease anxiety.  Consider the following when planning treatment:
Radiation therapy is performed using a linear accelerator.  Some Skin tumors require a superficial x-ray unit, however for the most part radiation is delivered using a LINAC system.  You will be required to lay still while on the table/couch underneath the linear accelerator while the treatment is occurring.  You will feel nothing at all during the procedure.  Many times, you don’t even know that treatment has occurred.  A myth has circulated that you will be radio active after radiation therapy however this is incorrect.  There is not a possibility of this at all. 

Treatment can range from a single treatment, one time to multiple treatments a week for several weeks.  This depends on a number of different factors including the type of cancer, where it is located, and how it is responding to treatment.  Treatment is most often done during the week.    The duration of your session will vary as well depending on the LINAC system that is used, and duration set in your treatment plan.  Certain linear accelerators operate faster than others and certain cancers require slow and steady treatment.  Your radiation oncologist will go over your specific case when reviewing your treatment plan.

During treatment it is important to drink plenty of fluids while eating regularly.  A small, balanced meal several times a day will help with energy loss.  It is also important to keep up on your regular, daily hygiene regimen.  Try to avoid extreme foods of any nature, too spicy, too hot, too cold, and so on are not desirable when receiving treatment.  It is also important to avoid extreme sun exposure during radiation as your skin will be more sensitive to burns.

What side effects should I be prepared for?

Radiation therapy provides a localized treatment which means that any side effect will depend on where it is received.  You may experience the following:
Nausea: Depending on where treatment is given you may feel nauseous during or after treatment.  (This could also be nerves) Whatever the case symptoms can easily be treated with the use of anti-nausea medication.
Diarrhea: As with nausea, diarrhea can be treated with medicine.  Depending on severity a dietician can help prepare your diet to prevent future occurrences.
Sore Throat/Mouth: If you are having treatment done on your mouth or throat you can experience some tenderness.  Your oncologist will offer suggestions to help prevent chewing and swallowing difficulties.
Increased Urination: Treatment in the lower abdomen and pelvic region can lead to frequently needing to relieve yourself.  To prevent discomfort be sure to stay well hydrated by drinking extra water throughout the day.  Take note of drastic changes which could be signally an infection verse side effects from treatment.
Hair Loss:  This too is localized to the treatment area.  Hair loss may occur on your chest, arms, legs, face, and head depending on where the radiation treatment is performed.

Can I continue to work?

As stated earlier, keeping your routine as normal is possible is key.  Of course, each treatment plan is different, and your oncologist may recommend rest after treatment.  If this is the case, you will want to follow their specific instructions.  Once treatment is finished any side effects and symptoms should subside within a few weeks.

Will I need to follow up?

After radiation therapy is performed you will need to follow up with your physician.  In most cases, the first time you meet after treatment will be between four and six weeks.  This is not true in all cases and therefore it is important to work with your doctor to make these arrangements at the time of or before your last treatment of radiation.
Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Monday, November 12, 2018

Installment One – The Process Of Treating Cancer Using Radiation

What is radiation therapy anyway? 

Radiation therapy is one of the most common ways to treat cancer.  Depending on the type and nature of cancer being treated will depend on what method radiation is delivered to your tumor.  Most commonly, a linear accelerator is used to deliver external beam therapy.  LINAC machines deliver radiation directly to your tumor, externally.

How does radiation therapy work?

When radiation is delivered using a linear accelerator it is delivered to both cancerous cells and healthy cells. Radiation affects cancerous cells more than healthy cells.  The highest possible dose of radiation is delivered to kill off the cancerous cells.  Smaller doses can be delivered when the aim of treatment is to reduce the size of the cancerous tumor and relieve the symptoms.

Who plans and delivers your treatment?

Cancer oncologists will create a plan of treatment for patients.  When the treatment that is planned requires radiation, a radiation oncologist will oversee the treatment and delivery of radiation.  A team of cancer experts including nurses, specialists, counselors, dieticians, and assistants will help guide you throughout your treatment.

How is your treatment planned?

All cancer treatments are designed with the patient, the type of, and size of cancer.  Radiation therapy is no different.  Before radiation treatment is given patients will visit the facility to go over the plan of treatment that has been designed specifically for them.  Radiation oncologists and radiation therapists will develop a plan based on x-rays and scans from simulators.  Marks are then placed in strategic locations to pin point the areas to be treated.  These marks will be placed each and every visit as the cancerous tumor changes.  For cancers that are in the head, a guidance mask is created from a mold of the patients heads and is used to stabilize and pin point treatment due to the sensitivity of the area.
Does radiation therapy require hospitalization?
Radiation therapy is most often done on an outpatient basis however in some situations your radiation oncologist may recommend that you be admitted if they think it would enhance the success of your treatment.  This is rare and usually does not occur as long as you are able to travel to and from the hospital for treatment.
What tests are performed in conjunction with radiation therapy?
Over the course of radiation treatment your oncologist will want to perform a number of follow up scans and x-rays to make sure the cancer is reacting to the radiation as expected.  Occasionally additional lab work is required and is considered normal and nothing to worry about.
In our next installment on radiation therapy we will look deeper into what you can and cannot do during treatment and ways to combat side effects and more.
Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Monday, October 22, 2018

Replacing Equipment: Age Is Not the Only Factor

There are a number of factors that hospitals, medical facilities, and healthcare organizations must consider before they replace equipment besides age.  Each year companies could potentially waste thousands of assets by focusing solely on the age of their equipment. 
It wasn’t long ago that healthcare facilities were zealous to add all of the latest surgical equipment to their organization.  From robotic surgery systems, linear accelerators, and other large scaled medical equipment were installed to keep physicians happy and be competitive.

However, in recent years budgets have gotten smaller and funds have become more restricted and facilities are seeing that equipment can’t just be discarded on a whim or purchased without advanced planning.  Instead equipment needs to be repaired or refurbished and kept at peak performance for longer and a strategic approach needs to be taken to replace not only large scaled equipment but also universal equipment such as beds, linens, and so forth.
Proactive replacement planning is necessary between financial and clinical leaders within organizations need to work together to plan in order to achieve:
  • A reduction in expenses associated with service, parts, maintenance, and training
  • A decrease “close call” events that come with the use of older equipment with more precise maintenance schedules
  • A reallocation of assets that are underutilized throughout the facility
  • An ability to cross train employees throughout facility locations
  • An increase in consistency and standardization throughout facilities
When the above objectives can be achieved, a reduction in costs can occur with an increase in the quality of care patients receive.
Instead of the reactive strategy that medical facilities have embraced in the past more proactive approaches are being embraced.  When purchasing new or refurbished medical equipment in a proactive approach allows leaders to embrace the situation over a period of time verse the reactive approach which tends to be more mission critical.  Being proactive allows financial leaders in medical facilities to work with clinical leaders to plan for the addition of new equipment whether it is brand new or refurbished.  When the replacement of equipment no longer is a life or death situation a better decision for the facility can be made.

Proactive planning in medical facilities allows for better outcomes overall.  Financial teams and clinical teams can work together, armed with historical data, to have meaningful conversations instead of hypothetical ones.  This allows better decisions to made for everyone throughout the facility from administrators and physicians to patients and care givers.
Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Friday, October 5, 2018

Radiation Therapy: Equipment Used by Veterinarians

When many of us think of cancer and how it affects us and the lives we lead we are more often than not picturing human patients however, we are not the only ones that affected by cancer.  Today’s post is all about cancer in our pets and how their treatment includes similar treatment plans and medical equipment.  Just like in the treatment of cancer within humans, pets use radiation therapy in various forms to shrink and kill tumors.

Radiation therapy delivered to pets can take various forms with the most common form of radiation treatment being delivered via linear accelerators with multi-leaf collimators.  The multi-leaf collimator moves while the radiation treatment is on and being delivered to the patient.  This allows the radiation therapist to sculpt the treatment around the tumor with very little damage done to cells outside of the area.

Another form of radiation therapy that is used to administer radiation treatment to pets and humans alike is Cyberknife, a linear accelerator that is paired with a robotic arm.  This combination allows the machine to move around the patient.  The radiation beam is turned off and on and is able to deliver radiation to the tumor from several angles.  This ensures that the treatment conforms to the shape of the tumor within your pet.

Treatment can also be delivered through a Tomotherapy machine.  A Tomotherapy unit is best described as a mix between a LINAC and CT scanner.  It allows an image to be taken of the tumor right before radiation treatment is delivered.  The therapist uses the images that are produced to guide radiation treatment to the tumor.

Tumors of the brain are treated with a very specific method of radiation known as the Gamma Knife.  The word knife in the name may lead you to believe that cutting is involved however this is not the case.  What occurs in Gamma Knife treatment is that very high doses of radiation are delivered to a very specific location on the brain while avoiding normal brain tissue.

As with humans, radiation therapy can be prescribed to pet patients through a variety of methods.  One method is known as hyper-fractionated which means that many small doses of radiation are delivered to the pet with the goal being complete eradication of the tumor.  This method is most often considered after surgery has been performed when there are small bits of the tumor left behind.  Another method is known as hypo-fractionated in which radiation therapists use large doses of radiation in order to treat tumors that cannot be removed through surgery.

A more advanced scheme of delivering radiation treatment are Stereotactic Radiation Therapy, SRT.  This includes both SRS, Stereotactic Radiosurgery, and SBRT, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy.  These methods both deliver high doses of radiation in one, two, or three treatments.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Friday, September 21, 2018

General Radiotherapy Machines

The most common machine used to distribute external beam radiotherapy treatment is known as a linear accelerator or LINAC for short.  LINAC systems generate high energy x-rays that are carefully aimed at the cancerous tumors.  This process is done with much care given to direct the rays in a manner that does as little harm as possible to the healthy tissue surrounding the tumor.  Linear accelerators are used to treat cancerous tumors on all areas of the body.

Some LINAC systems that are more advanced have the capability to deliver radiation on or near the surface of the skin.  In this type of treatment electrons are used in replacement of high energy x-rays.

Newer linear accelerators have the ability to deliver radiation using Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, IMRT.  These systems use multi-leaf collimators adjust the shape of the radiation beam to match the shape of the tumor.  Without these adjustments LINAC systems would only be able to shoot radiation beams in the shape of a square or rectangle.

Radiographers all have different methods that they use to make sure the radiation treatment is targeting the exact location of the cancerous tumor.  In its most fundamental form radiation is just a plain x-ray.  Most linear accelerators work through digital imaging where the bottom arm of the machine takes an EPI, electronic portal image, or PI, portal image.

The image is compared by radiographers, to images that were generated during the planning process of your treatment as a type of checks and balances before treatment is delivered.  The quantity of images that are taken to compare between depends on the departments protocol for imaging.  Different types of radiotherapy treatment machines have an On-Board Imager, OBI, that is comprised of a Kv x-ray and detector.  Higher quality images are obtained as a verification which allows for another radiotherapy technique known as Image Guided Radiotherapy, IGRT.  With IGRT the accuracy of treatment is improved as daily changes are accounted for such as changes in organ location which can in turn reduce unpleasant side effects.

Electrons are generated and speed up to almost as close to the speed of light using electrical fields.  The energy continues to increase until it collides with its intended target and then releases the photon energy.  These photons enter the patient in an attempt to break down the DNA cells in the cancerous tumor.  Healthy cells are most often able to mend themselves where as the cancerous tumors don’t and eventually die.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Friday, September 7, 2018

The Lifespan of a Linear Accelerator Parts

A linear accelerator has a wide range of built-ins that are designed to ensure patients are only given the recommended dose of radiation.  The dosage recommended by the physician should never be ignored or changed as each treatment dosage is unique to each patient.  Linear accelerators are comprised of several parts and mechanisms that age over time.  This article will go over what facilities can expect when it comes to the average lifespan of the parts on LINAC systems, CT scanners, and other radiation oncology devices.

The Lifespan of Linear Accelerator Parts

The lifespan of linear accelerator equipment comes down to two major elements: usage and maintenance.  On average medical facilities can expect that large scaled radiation equipment, such as linear accelerators, to last around 5 to 10 years before they begin to break down.  Regular maintenance of your LINAC system keeps it running smoother, longer.
Examples of medical equipment lifespans are:
  • High use parts like Magnetron and iView detectors can last upwards of two to three years and with average use around four to six years.
  • X-ray tubes with high use last about eighteen months however with low usage can last if four years.
  • XVI detectors can last up to ten years within linear accelerators that have low usage whereas with high usage XVI parts last around five years.
  • Thyratron tubes have a lifespan of anywhere between three to five years.

Age and Usage of LINAC Parts

The average life expectancy of most linear accelerator parts depends on the legitimacy of the parts and the amount they are used. There are some parts that need to be replaced yearly with increased use, like the electron gun, however with low usage can last upwards of six years.
Environmental factors cannot be ruled out as it also affects the ion chamber of a linear accelerator, high humidity can cause a reduced lifespan. While an average ion chamber will only need a replacement after four years, one in an environment with high humidity will need a replacement after a year.

When to Replace Aging Parts

Replacing aging parts over time is necessary to avoid causing any damages to the equipment. Some corporation has a habit of considering the price of the equipment and the costs involved in changing the parts over time, and as such delayed the immediate replacement of an overdue or overused equipment. But, this is never a good yardstick of profit maximization, in the long run definitely, a breakdown of significant parts of the system may be disastrous to the equipment.

As a Linear Accelerator stays over time and ages, errors can creep in and this will have an adverse effect on the accuracy of the equipment.  It is reasonable to expect a good 5 to 10 years of use out of the linear accelerator, but the maintenance also takes its toll on expenses if it stays much longer.
Companies can often get more usage out of a machine and ensure errors are resolved or controlled just by keeping the software up to date and replacing or upgrading linear accelerator parts as at when needed.  Most importantly it is advisable to choose a reputable company to replace your LINAC’s aging parts as the wrong equipment can end up creating more damage to the machine instead of improving its performance. Most companies who sell linear accelerators and parts will have service contracts available that offer varying levels of support.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Preventive Maintenance Increases the Lifespan of LINAC Systems

LINAC systems are just one of the methods that facilities use to administer radiotherapy to patients with cancer. The high cost of this technology necessitates that preventive maintenance be routinely undertaken to extend the life span of linear accelerator parts and other radiation oncology equipment. Linear accelerator parts should be serviced to ensure high quality service delivery to patients. This will go a long way in helping cancer patients to access quality treatment.

The main parts of LINAC systems consist of linear accelerator wave guide and the beam defining system. Other parts include: handle control, couch with controls, touch guard and wall panel to hide stand. Being that it is electrical equipment and it's in continuous use, the systems will breakdown if not cared for properly which will lead to system breakdown. Therefore, preventive maintenance should be regularly done to ensure that the system works effectively and efficiently. A complex system such as linear accelerators and ct scanners depends on electrical connections, once there is poor connection the machine will malfunction. All parts work in cohesion and if one of them is faulty it will affect other parts.

Linear accelerator parts are expensive and the cost of purchasing a new one is prohibitive.  Proper preventive maintenance should be carried out from time to time. Most LINAC systems use water cooling because a constant temperature need to be maintained to ensure harmonious operation.  However, there is advanced air-cooled chillers for LINAC cooling. This cooling system is expensive but once it is replaced the system works as if it is a new one.

LINAC parts can be procured from the original equipment manufacturer or through local dealers. There are many advantages to buying parts through companies that offer several parts (and services) instead of a more expensive OEM dealer.  Often these companies offer less expensive, refurbished options and OEM parts with warranties.  If the parts should malfunction within the period of coverage of warranty, they can help.  However, one important decision one must make is that whether one should buy refurbished parts or new OEM parts. Refurbished parts are suitable for repairs and maintenance and the cost is lower than buying new ones. This decision is often mostly decided because of your budget however, just know that refurbished parts are just as reliable and as effective so either way you are getting quality parts.

A lot of factors need to be considered when servicing or maintaining LINAC system. One of such considerations is the response time of maintenance company versus original equipment manufacturer. The response time of maintenance companies tend to be quicker than that of the original manufacturer. Therefore, procuring the service of maintenance company will shorten the downtime of the medical equipment. Associated with this is the high level of expertise of engineers working with servicing and maintenance companies.

In most cases, these engineers were trained by original equipment manufacturers hence, the quality of service delivery. Another advantage of servicing and maintenance of linear accelerator parts is that servicing companies have favorable and flexible contract agreement, and this ensure that servicing of equipment is done comprehensively with minimal costs. This contract agreement includes periodical preventive maintenance without extra costs. Routine service and maintenance of LINAC parts are necessary for optimal functioning of the system and it greatly reduces the amount of downtime of the equipment and elongate its lifespan.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Finding Parts and Services for Medical Equipment Repair

Healthcare businesses will often find that while their oncology equipment is in excellent shape, there comes a time when something will breakdown or break all together.  When that happens, there is usually a ruckus, because then someone needs to find out who sells parts or services their linear accelerator or other oncology equipment.  While this may seem easy, it is not as easy as it appears, especially because the company that is hired must excel in the work that they do and the oncology equipment parts that they provide.

There are numerous linear accelerator parts and oncology equipment parts that are needed when things go wrong, and Radparts has more than sixty-five thousand parts in our warehouse.  That means that whatever you and your patients need, we have it in stock and ready to use.

Whether your linear accelerator needs a new MLC motor, console keyboard, or a new pump, you will not need to spend days waiting for a replacement.  Instead of shuffling patients around, and trying to fulfill their needs, you can have your oncology equipment repaired quickly and be ready for your next patient right away.

Knowing where to find parts for your oncology equipment and knowing who can service them all is key to keeping your patients safe and healthy during their treatments.  You never want to take a risk and use a linear accelerator or any other oncology equipment that has a broken or missing part, as that can put your patients in danger.

Instead, you will want to inspect your linear accelerator and other oncology equipment every day and have routine maintenance and outside inspections completed too.  The sooner you notice an issue, the easier it will be to have everything fixed and up and running again.  After all, no oncology unit will be able to function properly without this equipment and patients can suffer significantly from a broken-down machine as well.

Whether you have a brand-new linear accelerator or a completely refurbished one, you will want to have someone on hand for service and parts right away.  While you may hope that you do not need their services for a long time, you will quickly find that things do not always work out the way that you plan.  Therefore, a little pro-action will go a long way when the inevitable does happen and you need linear accelerator parts or other oncology equipment parts and services.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Proper Maintenance Keeps Medical Systems Running Smoothly

The manufacturer of all medical equipment routinely establishes a regular maintenance schedule that customers need to be able to accomplish in order to ensure that their system is running properly. These maintenance requirements ensure tests are run to ensure that certain linear accelerator parts are all functioning well. The same is true for oncology equipment parts.

Importance of doing regular proper maintenance

When the equipment you are operating is designed for diagnosing a wide range of serious injuries, illnesses, and diseases it is extremely important that they are working optimally at all times. To be sure that all of your machines are properly maintained you should read all of the documentation that comes with each machine and pays close attention to any section that lists regular or scheduled maintenance.

8 Steps Involved in Quality Preventative Maintenance Plans on Medical Equipment

#1 Get the key people in your organization on board with the plan

- In order for any maintenance plan to work you need to be sure that you have all of your people on board with your plan.

#2 Discuss your goals for the plan -

Be sure to discuss all of your goals for the program with everyone to be sure everyone understands them.


#3 Do an initial inventory of all the equipment needing to be maintained -

You should a complete inventory of all of the equipment that will be part of your plan.

#4 Make decisions on the plan you wanting to follow -
Make final decisions on how the plan will be carried out.
#5 Read through all of the equipment manuals -
It is important to know as much about the machinery as you possibly can before you get started.

#6 Schedule long-term maintenance plan -
Set up a long-term maintenance plan that covers all of the vital systems of the equipment.

#7 Schedule short-term maintenance plan -
Set up a short-term plan that covers a more basic look over of the system.

#8 Train your people -
Before you set your plans in motion you want to be sure that all of your people are all on the same page and ready to carry out the mission.

For some medical facilities this type of maintenance on each piece of equipment requires a special department within the organization.  For others it is more cost effective to outsource medical equipment maintenance and repairs to a company that specializes in the repair of medical equipment and parts needed for complex repairs on large scaled equipment such as linear accelerators, CT scanners, and a variety of radiation oncology equipment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Monday, July 9, 2018

When Is It Time to Replace Your LINAC System Instead of Repairing It?

It is a known fact that linear accelerators, LINAC systems are expensive. Not only is the piece of equipment on a whole costly but also buying the replacement parts for linear accelerators can be quite costly, especially if it is a rush order. Hence, regular maintenance and care must be ensured to enhance its lifespan.

The importance of a LINAC system for a healthcare facility provider that offers cancer treatment is known to one and all. This intelligent system is designed to treat cancerous cells and kill them as part of cancer treatment. Therefore, it is considered to be a vital aspect in the treatment of different type of cancers.

Health experts know that the radiation that emits out of LINAC and other such devices also pose certain health hazards. However, linear accelerators boast of advanced safety measures; hence, these machines are programmed to provide only the required dosage that is required keeping in consideration the condition of the patient.

The problem with LINACS, like other systems, they can start to falter over time. Regular use can lead to damages in different parts of the machine, as a result, it may start showing deteriorate signs or stop working completely. A tough decision to make here is whether to get it repaired or if the equipment needs to be replaced.

The key is to know when to fix or when to replace. When equipment starts to falter on a regular basis, it may be time to look into finding a refurbished LINAC system.  However, a system that is just experiencing normal wear and tear should be repaired using linear accelerator replacement parts.
You should consider the replacement option in case a part of the system has faltered or stopped working when it starts to occur on a regular basis. However, in a situation where a single part of the system stops, or something occurs that is normal it is a better option to repair the equipment.  These large pieces of medical equipment are meant to withstand time so in many cases repair is the best options.

It really comes down to a number of factors such as downtime from the present equipment. If you are continually experiencing equipment failure that leads to cancelled treatments then you may have to analyze the cost between patient care, cancelled appointments, repair expenses, replacement parts, vs the cost of new equipment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Service Contracts, Procuring Parts, and Timely Repairs

LINAC service contracts are used in hospitals and clinics on medical equipment and machines that are used in the process of treating cancer patients with radiation therapy.  LINAC service contracts are agreements between companies that state services will be performed on medical equipment as necessary for a specific time.

Linear accelerators are available in many medical facilities to be used in the treatment of cancer.  This machine allows radiation to conform to the size and shapes of tumors in patients with cancer.  This treatment is targeted to the cancerous tumors without affecting healthy tissues that are nearby.  Radiation oncology equipment is crucial to treatment.  This leads most hospitals and facilities to require regular service and maintenance on medical equipment throughout the radiation department.
Many companies servicing LINAC machines have replacement parts in stock and quick access to regularly needed replacement parts; this ensures that important equipment is serviced and repaired in a timely manner to avoid lengthy downtime.  The top five replacement parts kept on hand for linear accelerators maintenance and repair include:
  1. Thyratron

It is used as a high power electrical switch and as a controlled rectifier. It is a gas filled tube and it has the capacity to maintain much greater currents than similar hard-vacuum tubes. IT works according to the phenomenon known Townsend in which the gas becomes ionized on electron multiplication. The failure of thyratron can shut the entire system.
  1. Spare Pendant

Another of the important replacement parts of linear accelerators are spare pendants. They are used to control the motions on a linear accelerator machine. Control of linear set for a patient is limited if a spare pendant is not working.
  1. Hydraulic Actuator

A hydraulic actuator is a cylindrical or fluid motor which converts hydraulic power into mechanical energy used to do the mechanical work in the LINAC machine. It can produce linear, rotary or oscillatory motions. It has the capability for high outputs of force and can produce high power per unit of weight and volume measurement.
  1. MLC Motor

The multi- leaf collimator motors are known as MLC motor. These replacement parts of linear accelerators are used to accurately target the tumours in a radiation therapy by shaping the particle beams. They form a vital part in maintaining the capability of a LINAC machine to regulate the dosage of radiation for therapy sessions for different cancer patients. Hence, they are readily stocked to prevent the reduction of LINAC machine’s performance.
  1. Long/Lat drive for patient table
One of the most common but important replacement parts of linear accelerators are the devices used for moving/ driving the patient table in and out of the machine along with side-to-side movement during the therapy sessions. If these devices are not working LINAC machines cannot be operated due to the inability to move patient in the desired position to do the radiation therapy.
Medical repair companies offering service contracts on radiation oncology equipment maintain and keep replacement parts of linear accelerators on hand will prevent you from technical issues created by the last-minute equipment failure. If you need further information about the replacement parts of linear accelerators and from where to procure them feel free to contact us.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Choosing Replacement Parts For LINACS

LINACS, which is short for linear accelerator, is a very important piece of equipment in the medical world.  Linear accelerators utilize external beam radiation to destroy abnormal cells in the body, preventing the regrowth of tumors and most importantly, treating cancer without harming the healthy cells around it. LINAC technology is a combination of physics and engineering that is vital for saving lives, therefore, any hitches or glitches with the equipment is unacceptable.

Owing to the simple fact that most medical equipment needs regular maintenance to stay running properly and that a new linear accelerator will set you back a few thousands, if not millions of dollars, depending on the city, country of installation, as well as on the upgrades and features of each system, it helps to have around the clock access to a distributor of replacement parts for LINACS.
A linear accelerator contains hundreds of sensitive and sophisticated parts.  If one LINAC part gets damaged, it can easily cause a ripple effect and bring an oncologist’s clinic to a halt for a few good days, especially if they don’t have instant access to a professional maintenance team let alone replacement parts for LINACS. This is why having a linear accelerator part supplier at the touch of a button is important.   While buying a refurbished LINAC system may seem like the best way forward, oncologists can save thousands of dollars and get excellent value on quality replacement parts for LINACS when they buy them from a quality distributor who not only replaces the parts but will also offer regular repair services and solutions.

Cancer patients have to deal with a lot of life-threatening situations during their path to recovery such as infections. They need the reassurance that their doctors are taking every precaution necessary to ensure their safety. Radiation therapy has proven to be a highly effective method of cancer treatment, including relieving symptoms caused by more advanced cancers. Being a highly-targeted treatment that aims accurately at the cancer wherever it is in the body, radiotherapy contributes to about forty percent of all cancer cures and does a great job of alleviating cancer-related symptoms such as pain and in so doing, improves the quality of life for many cancer patients.

A linear accelerator is designed to deliver high does with precision and accuracy through photon beams to destroy cancer cells and diminish their ability to reproduce, which is why any malfunction should be addressed immediately to prevent any mishaps during treatments.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Importance of On-Time Medical Equipment Repair

When you have a business in the medical field, you need to make sure that your equipment is running smoothly. When something breaks, you need to call a repair person quick or else you’ll have to reschedule appointments, which can hurt your bottom line. When your equipment needs new linear accelerator parts, you need a trustworthy repair company that will come out and fix it so that you can go back to running your healthcare clinic.

When you hire the right company, you want to make sure that they come out when they say they will because if they are late or not following the schedule, you’re not only losing money, patient care suffers. Your medical equipment is what makes your practice or clinic money and is imperative for seeing patients. When it’s broken, you need it up and running fast! You have no time to waste because broken medical equipment can take a while to repair, especially if you need to order special linear accelerator parts.

Finding a reliable medical equipment repair company is so important, you might want to look into having some back up refurbished linear accelerators just in case anything happens. This way, you’ll be able to still see patients while your other equipment is being fixed. You won’t have to shut down for the day or reschedule your patients since the refurbished linear accelerators in your office will work just as good as your primary ones.

Refurbished linear accelerators are merely older models that have been refurbished with new linear accelerator parts so that they’re in working condition. In fact, many run smoother than brand new equipment as it has had time for the kinks to be worked out. Having more than one machine in your practice means you won’t be rushed into finding an on-time medical equipment repair company. You won’t have to stress about not being able to accommodate patients and your repair person can take their time figuring out when your primary machine isn’t working properly. Although you ideally want to find an on-time medical equipment company to come out to service your machines, you won’t have as much of a headache knowing that you have a backup refurbished linear accelerator to handle your patient load in the meantime.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Analyzing Linear Accelerators and Their Major Components

Linear accelerators are widely used for the treatment of cancer using high radio-frequency electromagnetic waves to speed up electrons to increased energy in a linear path inside of an accelerator waveguide.  The frequency is medical LINACs is around 3 billion Hertz.  As the most common form of external beam radiation treatment after a cancer diagnosis it is crucial for end users to have a basic understanding of what a LINAC is.  As well as how the major components within LINAC systems work in conjunction with one another to produce radiation treatment.
Consider how a microwave oven works.  This is in the most basic sense how a linear accelerator operates.  A LINAC uses microwave technology to accelerate charged particles within a waveguide, tube like structure.  These electrons then strike a metal target producing photons. It is these photons that are focused on the cancerous tumor.  This radiation is delivered in the shape of the tumor to avoid contact with healthy tissues with the use of a variety of positioning devices.   Now that we have a general understanding of the linear accelerator lets take a look into the major components that allow LINAC systems to operate as we know them to as of today.

Drive Stand:

A drive stand is a rather large cabinet, usually rectangular in shape, that secures the LINAC machine to the floor of the treatment room that houses the gantry.


The gantry is a moveable frame of the LINAC that is located in the drive stand and rotates on a horizontal axis.  It helps direct the photon beams directly into the patient’s tumor.  The gantry rotates 360 degrees on its axis.  There are three components that are found within the gantry: the electron gun, accelerator structure, and treatment head.


The klystron is a major component that is located within the drive stand that delivers the microwave energy that is used to accelerate the electrons through amplified RF electromagnetic waves.
Accelerator Guide:
The energy from the klystron moves to the accelerator structure to speed up electrons.
Treatment Head:
The treatment head of a LINAC encases the components that shape the radiation to the specific size of the cancerous tumor.  This can include: bending magnets, primary collimator, beam flattening filter, wedges, blocks, and compensators.
Cooling System:
The water cooling system in a linear accelerator is located within the drive stand and gantry to regulate the temperature in the space.
In our next installment we will look in greater detail to the treatment head of a LINAC system and the variety of components housed within that help shape radiation beams into the shape of different cancerous tumors.
Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Advantages of Purchasing Refurbished Radiation Oncology Equipment

Purchasing refurbished medical equipment is never a bad idea. Despite the allure of buying new radiation oncology equipment, purchasing a refurbished linear accelerator for your practice might be a better choice. There is a lot to consider when you’re getting ready to purchase radiation oncology equipment for your practice like space, budget, and personnel impacts.  Before you purchase all-new equipment consider just a few of the advantages of buying refurbished medical equipment below:
  1. Costs

The biggest advantage when buying refurbished linear accelerator equipment is the cost. Buying new can really blow your entire budget, but used ones can actually make your budget stretch more, allowing you to do other things for your practice. By going for the cheaper option, you still get a quality piece of equipment at a fraction of the cost of what you would pay for a new model.

  1. Buy More Equipment

If you’d like to offer more services to your patients, you can easily buy two or more pieces of radiation oncology equipment for your practice instead of just buying one new linear accelerator. This allows you to treat more patients for the price of what you would have spent if you only bought one machine. This way your practice can offer more appointments, getting more patients on the books and increasing your ROI.

  1. Use That Money Elsewhere

For the price you’ll buy for a refurbished linear accelerator, you can use that extra money to do other things that will benefit your practice. You can use that money to redesign the patient waiting room area or hire more staff for better customer service. If buying a used machine is just as good as a new one and will get the job done, why not use that extra money for good somewhere else? This way you’ll be able to grow your practice and expand its success.

  1. New Equipment For Half The Price

Refurbished pieces have been fixed by professionals to function like new, so you’ll get a practically brand-new linear accelerator affordably! Every refurbished piece is seen by a skilled medical technician before getting discharged back into service, so everything that needed fixing was fixed and you get something practically new without the new price tag.

As with any piece of medical equipment new or refurbished, there are times when equipment fails or needs maintenance.  For these instances there are professionals offering service and parts to repair and maintain linear accelerators.  Companies such as Radparts offer a huge selection of linear accelerator parts and innovative replacement and repair solutions that in many cases can save you up to 50% or more on your linear accelerator parts costs.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Discover Why You Need Scheduled Repairs to LINAC Systems Prevent Unnecessary Downtime

To ensure that medical equipment such as LINAC systems and CT Scanners are fully functional and effective at all times, while preventing unnecessary downtime, scheduled maintenance is recommended.  Scheduled repairs allow for treatment to be scheduled around replacing worn parts and preventative maintenance.  Medical equipment of all varieties, including linear accelerators, is costly and expensive to replace.  Facilities should not wait until they are damaged or dysfunctional to create a plan of action.  There is a significance cost savings in scheduled repairs and pre-planning for replacement.

What Is Scheduled Maintenance?

Scheduled maintenance is the planned component of repair or replacement that is also referred to as preventative maintenance whereby the system is thoroughly inspected to ensure that all parts are functioning properly.  Linear accelerator parts are replaced that are known to wear out when historically known to wear out. 

Why Are Scheduled Repairs to LINAC Systems Important?

LINAC systems are incredibly sensitive in terms of handling and maintenance.  They need to be kept functional and unnecessary downtime needs to be avoided especially because on-time treatment is imperative.  If maintenance is not completed and needed maintenance is avoided damage to some key parts of the LINACS or alter the value of your equipment.  Linear accelerators and radiation oncology equipment that is being used in hospitals need to be kept in perfect working order for them to deliver accurate and timely results that guide doctors in the treatment of their patients.

Where to Find Linear Accelerator Parts

A LINAC system is prone to faults, as is all medical equipment, and may require occasional repairs.  To ensure that the system stays functional and is effective, you need to find a service company that offers genuine and functional linear accelerator parts and repair services. Working with a company that has a record of offering professional repair services, when they are needed with access to LINAC parts is crucial.  Working with highly skilled engineers guarantees you of a highly effective LINAC system.

What’s the Cost for Scheduled LINAC Systems Repairs?

The cost of scheduled linear accelerators repairs will depend on the company that you hire to perform service.  Look for a LINAC service company that goes out of their way to ensure timely service, repairs, monitoring, and replacement parts for reasonable.  Seek a company with a proven track record that you can rely on.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Repairing LINACS With OEM Replacement Parts

LINAC system is the common name for linear accelerators. Their parts are very complicated, and they are intricately built machines. A direct linear accelerator is a gadget that utilizations high radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves to quicken charged particles for generating high energies in a straight way, inside a tube-like structure called the direct linear accelerator.

The resonating frequency of the medical LINAC is about 3 billion Hertz cycles per second. This is the most widely recognized gadget to treat the tumor with outside pillar radiation. To sum up, the linear accelerating agent is fundamentally a mechanical assembly to accelerate charged subatomic particles, utilized as a part of radiotherapy, and the creation of radionuclides.

What to do when the machine gets broken?

Frequently, the parts for repairing linear accelerator agents, LINAC, are expensive to the point that they come just in case of the genuine sum for purchasing another LINAC.  This influences numerous individuals to think about whether it is smarter to simply purchase another machine by and large since alternate parts of the LINAC may separate soon enough and should be supplanted too.  Along these lines, as we would like to think, settling radiation machines and LINACs is the better alternative.

Repairing LINACS with OEM replacement parts

Parts for repairing linear accelerator agents may be very costly, however, that is whether you purchase new parts. Rather, you can select the sensible alternative, which is revamping or repairing the broken parts. There are various firms in the market that offer revamping of parts for radiation hardware. The restored parts are frequently returned rapidly, and this productive procedure spares you a large portion of the cash you would spend on another part. Accordingly, it is best to locate a decent overhauling organization for your LINACs.

Linear accelerators are complicated devices. Each one has thousands of parts that work together to send subatomic particles hurtling at incredible speeds toward a target. They can be used in radiation therapy to fight cancer, academic research and more.

It only takes one failing part of the linear accelerator to stop the entire machine. Those broken parts are not just tossed in the trash. Instead, OEM replacement parts often refurbish and repair the parts for future use with the same level of quality as a new part.

In fact, OEM replacement parts repair several hundred LINAC systems a year for clients all over the world and are best to use for replacement parts.

When a client sends any of the OEM manufacturer or service provider a damaged part, they can often get them a replacement within one day. Similarly, they can then take the damaged part and hand it over to the trained technicians to repair for resale. So, don’t wait and use them with confidence for repairing the linear accelerators parts.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Maintaining LINAC Systems with OEM Replacement Parts

Any electrical equipment that is repeatedly used will break down due to several reasons such as improper maintenance or lack thereof. They can also malfunction owing to poor electrical connections, overrunning the machine’s capability, having an untrained individual operate the equipment, including not replacing worn out parts when needed.

The Importance Of LINAC Parts

A linear accelerator (LINAC) is a very complex medical device that delivers high-energy X-rays to treat patients with cancer. Each component within a LINAC system is important, and all of them need to continually undergo rigorous, cleaning, testing, and maintenance to ensure optimal performance.
Linear accelerators Parts are very costly, and most LINAC owners often consider the option of buying a brand-new unit instead of paying for outrageously high repair parts costs, including maintenance and upkeep fees. Even though all LINAC parts have separate but vital functions, they are linked to each other and therefore, need to work in cohesion. Any breakdown of one of the parts can lead to a ripple effect that may render the whole system useless.

Cooling the LINAC Parts

The linear accelerator works by producing high energy particle beams, thus making the cooling system inclined to overheat. Depending on the model, most LINACs use a water cooling system that provides thermal stability to the system and allows the gantry and drive stand to operate at a constant temperature.

Today there are technologically advanced air-cooled chillers for LINAC cooling systems that are would probably cost more to replace a broken system. There are several independent oncology equipment refurbishing companies that have original equipment manufacturer (OEM) LINAC replacement parts, which even though they are also costly, however, once these LINAC parts are replaced, the system can continue to work like new.

The only concern when using such a complex and volatile piece of equipment is to maximize its uptime and minimizing on the overall total cost of ownership. Having said that, LINAC parts are available through the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) online or through a local dealer. The catch-22 is, do you go the economical way, such as scouring the local neighborhood depot to find the cheapest option that will work anyway, or do you stick with the original manufacturer’s LINAC parts?

Purchasing Replacement Parts

While the LINAC parts you find locally will probably serve you for a while until you can afford an OEM, but when it comes to quality, the materials will not be the same as the original. You can end up with a new replacement LINAC part that does not match up in the case of complicated parts and assemblies.

Maintaining LINAC systems with the original equipment manufacturer replacement parts also guarantee warranty coverage on each piece of equipment and in case the system fails, you can file a warranty claim provided the replacement parts that have been used match the manufacturer specifications. Using OEM LINAC parts also ensures the related components are compatible with the system, they are durable, and most importantly, they are reliable.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Average Lifespan of Linear Accelerator Parts

A linear accelerator, often referred to as a LINAC, is a type of particle accelerator that customizes electrons or high energy x-rays to conform to the shape of a tumor to destroy cancer cells while sparing the life of normal surrounding tissue. It has a variety of built-in features that are designed to ensure a patient receives only the prescribed dose as directed by a physician. However, linear accelerators are made up parts components that could age over time. What is the average lifespan of these parts?

Lifespan Of A Linear Accelerator

Two major determinants of the lifespan of a linear accelerator and indeed any equipment, are usage and maintenance. Although it is reasonable to expect a usage of between 5 to 10 years, maintenance of the accelerator will be critical to just how much you enjoy the equipment. Here we look at the parts of a linear accelerator and their average lifespan depending on usage.

Parts such as Magnetron and iView detector last for about two years with high use, and between 4-6 years with low and moderate use. An x-ray tube lasts for about 18 months upon high use, 3 years when the system is moderately used, and above 4 years when the usage is low. An XVI detector lasts for about 5 years upon high usage, about 7 years when used moderately, and over 10 years when the accelerator usage is low. On the other hand, a Thryratron tube can last up to 3 years when the usage is high and 5 years and above upon low to moderate usage of the accelerator.

Age Vs. Usage

Basically, the average lifespan of each linear accelerator part largely depends on the part and amount of usage. Other parts such as the electron gun would need a replacement after one year on high use, while it can last even above 6 years upon low usage. Environmental factors can also affect the ion chamber of a linear accelerator, high humidity can cause a reduced lifespan. While an average ion chamber will only need a replacement after four years, one in an environment with high humidity will need a replacement after a year.

Replacing Aging Parts

Changing aging parts over time is ideal to avoid causing the equipment any damages. Some companies tend to consider the price of the equipment and the costs involved in changing the parts over time. However, this is never a good yardstick to even maximize profits in the long run as a breakdown of significant parts of the system may be disastrous for the equipment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Fix or Forget It: Should you Repair That LINAC System or Buy New?

LINAC systems, the common name for linear accelerators, are very complicated and intricately built machines. They are formed by joining together several very small different parts, making it a highly fickle machine. Despite their extreme sensitivity, LINACs are very useful and powerful machines. They are a main component of many essential machines, such as the CT scanner.
Much like the CT scanner, linear accelerators can be used in several other machines related to the health industry. They are thus an integral part in fighting cancer with radiation therapy, while also being used in a large amount of research. However, because of their unbalanced structure, they are highly prone to many mechanical faults. Here is a look at the faults they may face and dealing with them.

Problems LINAC Systems Face

Used to hurl very small radiation particles at very high speeds at designated targets, linear accelerators are built by joining numerous small parts. Each part has its own function in the grand scheme of things and is often linked to adjacent parts. This makes the LINAC a very fickle machine since any faulty part can lead to the entire machine going out of order. Hence, the LINAC is an unsustainable machine that can require very intricate maintenance.

Everyone has heard about radiation equipment and how much intricate and complex it is. LINACs are a major component in radiation equipment. Parts for repairing radiation equipment are always very expensive, and this makes repairing LINACs a huge financial hassle, while also being exhausting. Therefore, the debate about whether to install spare parts or to change the machine entirely holds a lot of weight and is something that many professionals in the health industry constantly talk about.

Fix it or forget it?

Often the parts for repairing linear accelerators (LINAC) are so expensive that they come just in short of the actual amount for buying a new LINAC. This makes many people wonder if it is better to just buy a new machine altogether since the other parts of the LINAC might break down soon enough and need to be replaced as well. Although there is no definite answer to this query since it has do a lot with the personal beliefs of people, it is always better to use something to the maximum. Therefore, in our opinion, fixing radiation machines and LINACs is the better option.

Refurbishing/ Repairing

Parts for repairing linear accelerators might be highly expensive, but that is if you buy new parts. Instead, you can opt for the sensible option, which is refurbishing or repairing the broken parts. There are a number of firms in the market that offer refurbishing of parts for radiation equipment. The refurbished parts are often returned very quickly, and this efficient process saves you half the money you would spend on a new part. Therefore, it is best to find a good servicing company for your LINACs.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Finding Linear Accelerator Replacement Parts

Whether you have a Varian, Elekta, Philips, Siemens LINAC, you can always find replacement parts, accessories and various linear accelerator components that met OEM specification to get your radiation device working like new.

A linear accelerator is a medical device used for external beam radiation treatments for patients with cancer through a uniform dose of high-speed electrons and high-energy x-rays that are directed to the affected area of the patients’ tumor to destroy the cancer cells without damaging any healthy tissue.

Importance Of Safety

Patient safety, in this case, is very important and the last thing a radiation oncologist needs is a system malfunction or downtime that will impede a treatment session or cause an overdose of the prescribed treatment volume and dosage.
While modern radiation machines have inbuilt checking systems to provide additional safety and there are measures in place to ensure that the linear accelerator is on point and won't deliver a higher dose than the radiation oncologist prescribed before the start of every treatment session, through no fault of the radiation oncologist, mechanical mishaps do occur.

Services Offered

Along with the aftercare services, upgrades, and repair parts required to keep a linear accelerator working in top condition, professional LINAC engineers offers the most cost-efficient radiation oncology equipment solutions. They include delivery, installation, acceptance testing, commissioning services, warranty, continuing service, and most importantly, linear accelerator components and accessories that are available in stock for immediate delivery.

In addition to equipment testing, quality assurance assistance and data collection, linear accelerator service providers also offer the following services and linear accelerator components:
  • Inspection of equipment to recommend a suitable level of refurbishment options (cosmetic, minor or major)
  • In-house refurbishing and live testing
  • MLC and table upgrades
  • Conventional and CT simulator installations
  • Shielded testing vault
  • Vault construction and project management
  • Patient positioning laser devices
  • Water chillers
  • Power conditioners
  • Air compressors
  • Equipment rigging
  • Equipment transport and storage
  • Specific patient couch
  • Spare parts kit
  • A set of operational and technical manuals
  • Dual Independent Jaws
  • IEC Scale Readouts and much more
  • Latch accessory mounts

Disposal of Equipment

Oncology clinics can now benefit from replacement parts for some of the top linear accelerator brand names, and the best part of this whole process is that when the life of a linear accelerator comes to an end, there are disposal services that conform to regulatory requirements. The equipment is professionally removed from the clinic using specialized cranes without damaging its structural integrity. The removal specialists ensure that any disposal of radioactive and hazardous materials from the LINAC is carried out through a licensed disposal company.

Upon request, an oncologist can receive an equipment evaluation and appraisal in the event they want to sell their LINAC or replace it with a newer model. Whatever your radiology need is, they can be met in a timely, professional manner at a competitive fee. Do you need any linear accelerator components, replacement parts, accessories, and repair solutions?

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Refurbished Parts are Important in Linear Accelerator Repair

Medical Equipment and Replacement Parts

Linear accelerators are machines that help in the treatment of cancer.  These machines have a multitude of components that keep them running efficiently.  Sometimes, large pieces of equipment including those found within the radiation oncology department need maintenance involving replacement parts.  There are companies devoted to selling, service, and repair new and refurbished LINAK systems and their replacement parts.

Medical facilities can seek out the help of distributors of both OEM and refurbished replacement parts for a variety of manufacturers that produce radiation oncology equipment.  No matter what is needed for your radiation equipment facilities have access to them.  One of the main purposes of using refurbished replacement parts over OEM parts is that they offer amazing quality and allow medical facilities to accomplish repairs and service at a lower cost.

Radiation Oncology Equipment Repair and Maintenance

For many medical facilities the decision between purchasing new or refurbished parts for maintenance and repairs on large scaled equipment has been met with some indecisiveness.   This should however no longer be the case.  Linear accelerator parts and components are met with stringent guidelines throughout the reconditioning process.  Refurbished linear accelerator and CT scanner parts are suited for both maintenance and repair purposes.

Another major benefit outside of the stringent testing that is done on refurbished linear accelerator parts is the cost savings that facilities will find by purchasing them.  When it comes to the cost of refurbished components verse OEM parts, facilities should expect to pay upwards of fifty percent less for reconditioned parts.  Just as refurbished linear accelerators are best for new medical companies or facilities working within a strict budget, so are the refurbished parts and components.  This can be super beneficial in low budget, non-profit, and veteran facilities.

Refurbished equipment and replacement parts are important because of the certain advantages which only they can offer.  There are many reasons that facilities use refurbished parts in the equipment they use.   One of the major reasons is that it helps growing practices. LINAC systems that are refurbished free up resources and reduce costs.  This is helpful in new center set ups, purchasing additional or backup equipment, and installing new treatment rooms to accommodate more patients for treatment.

Managing Costs

Refurbished components are important in managing expenses.  Linear accelerator replacement parts that have been refurbished can help in managing the investment risk of new equipment which can be quite costly.  Thus, in times of financial constraint and tight budgets, refurbished equipment and parts can help you save money while growing your facility.  Refurbished equipment can also serve as backup equipment for larger facilities giving another option over rescheduling patients when equipment needs to be repaired.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.