A growing number of academic institutions are relying on the
generosity of others to implement otherwise too-expensive ideas or changes.
Fundraising is an imperative aspect of many organizations, including the
radiology field. Having a basic knowledge of fundraising is essential to your
President of Johns Hopkins University from 1996 to 2009 and
radiologist William Brody, M.D., Ph.D., laid out some guidelines for successful
fundraising in the April edition of the Journal of the American
College of Radiology.
“Whether you are a newly-appointed assistant professor of
radiology, a dean of the medical school, CEO of a health system, or a
university president, knowing how to raise funds is critical to your success
and the success of the department or organization you represent. Fundamentally,
fundraising is selling. I am not talking about your grandfather’s used car
salesman. Selling is a universal skill that can be learned,” Brody said.
Relationships: Fundraising is also called
friend-raising for a reason. To develop long-term relationships, make
meaningful connections with donors who will support your departments or
institution for the long haul. It is perfectly acceptable to return to donors
who have contributed in the past, as they are most likely to donate again.
Trust the process: Whether you seek a research grant,
new building, or an endowed professorship, there are four key steps to achieve
success: attention, interest, desire, and finalizing. Ensure you are following
the process to attract donors.
Invest wisely: Use your own money to contribute to
staff who can help cultivate donors, conduct background research, investigate
prospects, develop brochures and other media, demonstrate, advertise, etc.
Speak out: When donors are looking to donate to a
cause, radiology isn’t always top of mind. The lack of face-to-face contact
radiologists have with patients makes it essential to be proactive. Don’t be
intimidated – fundraising isn’t necessarily effortless. It is critical for your
career, so try to learn the best you can.
Embrace technology: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
an integral part of radiology. Many tech donors are drawn to the AI sector, so
be sure to entice prospects from a wide range of fields, including other areas
of medicine, technology leaders, venture capitalists, and even patients with
relevant interests.
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Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs
& Systems: www.cpsmi.com.